Banten - Tangerang Selatan

Concrete Test Hammer - Digischmidt

Harga :
Rp. 123 / 1
Merk :
Pembelian Minimal :
1 1
Pembelian Maksimal :
1 1
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Banten - Tangerang Selatan
Dilihat :
261 Kali
Update Terakhir :
07-10-2019 23:49

Detail Produk

The Schmidt Hammer Digi-Schmidt was developed for the non destructive measurement of the concrete compressive strength and controlling the uniform concrete quality.

Besides showing the basic settings on the included display unit, the Schmidt Hammer offers the transmission of the measured data to a standard printer or to a PC. This supersedes the time consuming business of note taking allowing the user to focus on the essential. The window based software ProVista allows downloading, presenting and editing of the measured values in a fast and easy way.

The Schmidt Hammer is equipped with a sensor which measures the rebound value of a test impact to high resolution and repeatability. With the Schmidt Hammer, various parameters such as impact direction, form factor and time factors such as carbonation depth can easily be set.

Features :

The Schmidt Hammer offers automatic calculation of the compressive strength
Storage of customized conversion curves
Data evaluation and storage as well as transmission to a PC with ProVista software are possible with the Schmidt Hammer

Technical data:
Schmidt Hammer
Type ND Schmidt Hammer
Type LD
Schmidt Hammer
Impact energy 2.207 Nm 0.735 Nm
Measuring range
Concrete compressive strength 10 - 70 N/ mm2
1' 450 - 10' 152 psi 18 - 70 N/ mm2
2' 610 - 10' 152 psi
Display Unit
Display graphic LCD-Display 128 x 128 pixel
Internal data storage non-volatile memory, 250 measurement series of 10 measurements each
Communication RS 232 or with adapter to USB
PC application ProVista
Battery type six LR6 ( AA) batteries, 1.5 V for 60 h operation
Operating temperature 0 ° C to + 60 ° C
Storage temperature -10 ° C to + 60 ° C

Nusatama  Store                                                               

GPS,Alat Survey,Alat Geologi,Telepon Satelit, Perahu Karet

Jl.H.Sapri No.32 Pondok Aren

Tangerang Selatan - 15224

Contact Person :
Hp. 0812 8985 4242 / 0817 6755 161
Tlp. 021-8394 3215

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