Banten - Tangerang Selatan

Optical rebound hammer — Silver Schmidt OS8200#081289854242 PanduGeologis

Harga :
Rp. 65.000.000 / Unit
Merk :
Pembelian Minimal :
1 Unit
Pembelian Maksimal :
1 Unit
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Banten - Tangerang Selatan
Dilihat :
27 Kali
Update Terakhir :
02-07-2020 14:58

Detail Produk


Concrete strength and uniformity evaluation using patented optical rebound hammer technology

Schmidt hammers by Proceq, the inventor of rebound hammer technology, have long been the global benchmark for non-destructive compressive strength estimation. Silver Schmidt OS8200 is as accurate, reliable, and versatile as ever — and now, connected, thanks to its optical measurement technology paired with digital productivity featues and user-friendly mobile apps.

Our patented optical technology delivers compressive strength measurements with a higher range and far lower dispersion than any classical erbound hammer; and our versatile connectivity increases operator productivity and makes instantaneous reporting possible, from anywhere, anytime.

Digital versatility

Silver Schmidt OS8200 live works as:

  • Connected digital hammer with instantaneous reporting and data sharing thanks to a user-friendly mobile app (Apple® iOS or Android™)
  • Stand-alone digital hammer with automatic calculation of the rebound value.
  • Digital hammer wirelessly connected to a Bluetooth printer for direct print-out of test results

Silver Schmidt accuracy

The Q-value brings greater accuracy at higher strengths.

Independent testing by the German Committee for Structural Concrete and the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und Prüfung (BAM) has consistently demonstrated that the Q-value featured in Silver Schmidt OS8200 is much better suited for working with high strength concrete. Furthermore, similar studies carried out in Germany, China and Japan have proven that the Q-value delivers tighter, more accurate correlations for custom material curves.


  • Fresh concrete strength estimation
  • Normal concrete strength estimation
  • High strength concrete strength estimation
  • Concrete uniformity testing
  • Custom correlation to compressive strength
  • Low strength (<5 Mpa) concrete testing
  • In-situ rock testing on massive rock (Type N)
  • Concrete testing on thin (less than 100 mm thick) samples (Type L)
  • Rock testing on cores according to ASTM D5873 (Type L)
  • Hardness testing of paper rolls (Type L)
  • Compressive strength estimation; concrete: 10 to 70 N/mm2/ 1450 to 10152 psi (Type N)
  • Screening of concrete to identify coring locations (Type N)
  • Uniformity testing of concrete (Type N)
  • Paper: Type L


Jl.H.Sapri No.32 Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan 15224

Dekat futsal kurnia 2

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Telepon    : (+62) 21 – 2756 4609
       WhatsApp : 0812 8985 4242 – 0817 675 5161
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